Water Quality

Drinking Water
Public Drinking Water
Water is a precious and limited resource in Utah. Drinking water in Weber and Morgan Counties comes from a variety of public water systems. Health department staff, in conjunction with the Utah Department of Drinking Water conducts sanitary surveys and collects monthly samples to ensure water systems meet the high standards of operation and quality required by the State. For more information go to Utah Division of Drinking Water.
Reach out to our front desk for more information at 801-399-7160.
Private Wells and Springs
It is the purpose of this program to ensure that private wells and springs are properly constructed to provide a potable water supply to the users; to ensure that all private wells and springs are located, constructed, developed and maintained in a manner which does not adversely affect public health and the environment.
Private Well/Spring Permit Fees:
Private Well/Spring Permit Fees | Fee Amount |
Private Well/Spring Permit | $800 |
Private Well/Spring Water testing only | $230 |

Recreational Waters
Weber and Morgan Counties are fortunate to have many areas that offer swimming, boating and other water recreation. Health Department staff works with the Division of Water Quality to test highly recreated water bodies for E. coli contamination and harmful algal blooms. Sample sites include Pineview Dam, East Canyon, Causey, South Fork River, and parts of the Ogden River. Test results are reported to the state where an up-to-date advisory is maintained. Water sampling and testing is conducted from May through September. For results, go to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality.
Reach out to our front desk for more information at 801-399-7160.

Pools and Spas
A public swimming pool is defined as any pool or spa that serves more than a single individual or family, or 3 or more living units and guests. We regulate public pools to help reduce risk to the public for water-related adverse health events such as injuries, drowning, and recreational water illnesses.
The following are required when constructing, installing, or altering a public pool in Weber-Morgan Counties:
- Two complete set of plans and specifications shall be submitted and approved by the Department. Plans shall be designed by an architect or engineer and submitted by the architect, engineer or contractor. The plans and construction must conform to the Utah Administrative Code R392-302 Design, Construction and Operation of Public Pools, and the Weber-Morgan County Board of Health Public Pools Regulation.
- The applicant shall submit a completed Department Plan Review Application with the plans and specifications.
- Fees for plan reviews shall be paid before the plans are reviewed.
- Plans must be approved prior to construction.
- A pre-gunite inspection shall be performed before gunite can be installed.
- A pre-plaster inspection shall be performed before plastering the pool can performed.
- A Permit Application and the permit fee must be submitted.
- A final construction inspection shall be performed before the pool will be permitted to open.
Pools & Spas Fees:
Pools/Spas Fees | Fee Amount |
Public pool permit | |
Year round | $550 + $250 each add’l pool plus $30/month sampling fee |
Seasonal only | $315 plus $30/month sampling fee |
Plan review (new or remodeled pool) | $600 |

Septic systems are not suitable for all areas and situations. When the health department receives a request to install a system, we are obligated to ensure that the proposed location and operation of the system will not create a nuisance, public health hazard, or endanger the quality of any waters of the State and will function in a sanitary manner. Consequently, the permit process for an onsite wastewater treatment system is detailed.
Step 1: Feasibility
Data and property information are considered together to determine if a system can be placed on a property and what type system would be suitable.
Soil and property characteristics. Health department personnel complete the site and soil evaluation, after an application is processed and the applicant has prepared a soils pit.
- Percolation Test. The percolation test if required, is performed by an independent party, after the health department completes the soil and property characteristics.
- Ground Water Monitoring. High ground water levels exist throughout Weber and Morgan counties. If there are indications that the water table will affect an on-site wastewater system, then monitoring will be required. The health department monitors the water table during the season of peak ground water flow. Generally, this is done January through May, but may extend into summer months for areas in which the ground water is influenced by flood irrigation.
Step 2: Design
The design process should proceed after the suitability of the site is assured and system type and size have been designated (in the letter of feasibility). Design plans must be prepared by, or under the supervision of, an individual certified by Utah Department of Environmental Quality, prepared in accordance with Utah Rule, R 317-4 and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Regulation.
The designer will require the soils information, and the feasibility information. Design plans will contain the following details:
- Be drawn to scale of 1”=8’ to 1”=30’. A scale of 1”=20’ is preferred.
- North arrow.
- Lot size and dimensions.
- Legal description of property.
- Ground surface contours, preferably at 2 foot intervals, of both the original and proposed final grades of the property, or relative elevations using an established bench mark.
- Include the proposed home and other structure locations, including driveways and parking areas
- Include a statement of the maximum number of bedrooms, of whether a finished or unfinished basement will be provided, and the estimated gallons of wastewater generated per day.
- Location and dimensions of the essential components of the wastewater system including the replacement area for the absorption system.
- Include a side profile of the sewer line, septic tank (including risers), and drain field.
- Location of all soil exploration pits and all percolation test holes
- Location of building sewer and water service line to serve the building
- Location of easements or drainage right-of-ways affecting the property.
- Location of all intermittent or year-round streams, ditches, watercourses, ponds, subsurface drains, etc. within 100 feet of proposed onsite wastewater system.
- The location, type, and depth of all existing and proposed non-public water supply sources within 200 feet of onsite wastewater systems, and of all existing or proposed public water supply sources within 1500 feet of onsite wastewater systems and associated source protection zones.
- Distance to nearest public water main and size of main.
- Distance to nearest public sewer, size of sewer, and whether accessible by gravity.
Include the possibility of a finished basement; the system’s capacity is based on the number of bedrooms in the home, so if any future increase is anticipated, it should be recorded.
Step 3: Wastewater Permit Application
Complete Application for an On-Site Wastewater Disposal System and submit the following information:
- The name, current mailing address and telephone number of the individual(s) who will own the proposed system.
- Legal description of property, address, lot size and dimensions.
- Source of culinary water supply. An approved source of water must be available. If a private well is to be used, the well must be permitted, installed, and approved before an Onsite Wastewater Permit may be issued.
- Design plans, as described above, in step 2.
The Health Department reviews the application to ensure density requirements are satisfied and to determine which site evaluations are necessary. Permits are valid for one year, with the expiration date printed on the permit. Permits may be renewed for a fee. However, because the rules for onsite systems are subject to change, renewal is conditional upon rule changes that affect the feasibility or site constraints of the subject property.
Step 4: Installation
Health department staff will supply a list of registered installers upon approval of a permit. If the desired installer is not on this list, the installer must contact the department prior to any construction.
If a non-registered is used for the installation, the department will not issue a final approval of the system.
Step 5: Inspection
Once the system is installed, but before the system is back-filled, the health department will perform a final inspection. In addition to verifying that the system is installed in accordance with the approved plan and permit, the following items will be checked:
- Schedule or grade, material, diameter and minimum slope of building sewer.
- Septic tank: all minimum separation distances, capacity, manufacturing, and water tightness
- Separation distances from tank to dwelling and tank to drainfield, at least 5 feet.
- Pump chamber and pump, if applicable. (electricity must be supplied to the pump and the chamber must be full of water at the time of inspection)
- Tank placement, inlet/outlet, material, and manufacturer.
- Floats, dose volume, and alarm.
- Distribution of wastewater effluent from the septic tank to the absorption field.
- The sewer pipe from the septic tank shall not be in direct line with any one of the distribution lines, except where drop boxes or distribution boxes are used.
- Distribution and drop boxes, if applicable:
- Level, inlet and outlets aligned properly, inlet and distribution pipelines properly placed and sealed, and all unused outlets sealed.
- Serial trenches shall be connected with a drop box or watertight overflow line in such a manner that a trench will be filled with wastewater to the depth of the gravel fill before the wastewater flows to the next lower trench.
- Absorption field:
- Elevation of the trench bases, relative to natural grade.
- Separation from site limiting features as applicable (e.g. wells, streams, irrigation ditches, ponds, wetlands…), in accordance with Table 2, R 317-4.
- Minimum construction standards as specified in Table 8, R 317-4
- Backfill material: systems shall be backfilled with at least 6-inches of earth, over the permeable barrier, free from stones 10 inches or more in diameter.
- Filter material (gravel): size, clean, free from fines.
- Length of trench.
- Width of trench.
- Depth of filter media (gravel), below, around and over the distribution pipe.
- Permeable barrier such as an acceptable synthetic filter fabric or a two-inch layer of compacted straw.
- Distribution pipelines: Level (maximum slope is four inches/100 feet). Parallel laterals must be inter-connected to produce a closed loop, or continuous system. Deep trenches that have no parallel laterals or serial trenches must have caps on the terminal ends of the laterals.
- Total absorption area determined to meet permit requirements.
- Sketch of system to show dimensions and relative distances.
- Verification of 100% replacement area.
After a system passes the final inspection, Weber-Morgan Health Department issues a letter of certification to the permit holder. The system may then be operated.
Onsite Wastewater Treatment disposal systems must be designed in compliance with Utah Rule 317-4 and the Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Regulation.
Submit plans to:
Weber-Morgan Health Department
Environmental Health Division
Water Quality Bureau
477 23rd Street
Ogden, UT 84401
If plans are not approved, the designer must make corrections and resubmit.
For questions, contact us at 801-399-7160.